Saturday, 8 March 2014

In Our Towns campaign

The IN OUR TOWNS campaign is an initiative funded jointly by BIS and Stroud District Council in response to the Portas Review of the High Street. It will focus initially on Dursley, Painswick, Stroud and Wotton under Edge but welcomes the participation of any town in the District.
The aim of the campaign is to encourage more people to visit their local town.
I attended the Promote your local business event which showed delegates how easy it is to use their smartphone to create high quality promotional videos which can be updated quickly to showcase special promotions or festivals, using free tools/apps.
Split over two days, the first part was about how to make media using your own smart phone or tablet.
Then we used the next day to practice and make media at our own businesses. 
The following evening, we met up again to learn how to share media with minimum effort and cost. 
This was a practical course about gaining confidence and learning new skills to work socially to gain new customers and engage more with existing customers.
I found the event really useful both for my own business, Bumble Bee Face Painting and for my role at Assured Mobility. 

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